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Day 1

Critical Thinking

Introduction to Critical Thinking

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Day 2

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Critical Thinking: Challenging Your Biases

Day 3

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Critical Thinking: Challenging Your Biases – Part 2

Day 4

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Critical Thinking: Challenging Your Biases – Part 3

Day 5

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Critical Thinking: The “6 Year Old” Challenge

The ability to explain an abstract concept, in simple terms, is an indication that you have a full understanding of the concept. 

It also provides you with a way to see the concept in a new light.

In fundraising or venture capital, it’s called an elevator pitch. It’s a short, concise presentation, given when you have limited time, to capture the listeners attention and create understanding.

One way to improve the brevity and simplicity of a presentation, is to imagine a child as your audience.

Try talking to a 6-year-old (real or imaginary) about an issue you’re trying to explain.

You may discover elements of the subject you don’t fully understand, and/or you may start thinking about the issue in a new way.

That’s it for today.

Day 6

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Critical Thinking: Provide a Clever Caption

Below are 3 photos. Provide a clever caption for each of the photos. 

That’s it for today.

Day 7

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Critical Thinking: Finding an Alternative

Walk through your apartment, home or office, and find 3 objects which you believe have potential uses that go above and beyond the intended use of the objects.

For each object, identify the object, and list alternative uses that you think exist for the object.

Be as creative as you can.

That’s it for today.

Day 8

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Critical Thinking: What Would You Do?

Day 9

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Critical Thinking: Paint a Picture With Words

Day 10

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Critical Thinking: Make the Rules

Day 11

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Critical Thinking: Invent Something New

Day 12

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Critical Thinking: A Deserted Island

Day 13

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Critical Thinking: Express Yourself

Day 14

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Critical Thinking: Work Backward

Working on a problem backward can help you see things you might otherwise not see.

For example, proofreading a document (sentence by sentence), backward can help you more easily identify spelling and grammatical mistakes. 

Reconstructing a failure from end to beginning, can help you see each event, in the sequence of events, from a different perspective. 

Today, either deconstruct a failure in reverse, or proof read a document, line by line, from end to beginning. 

That’s it for today.

Day 15

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Critical Thinking: Ask Others To Explain Their Thoughts

Talk to other people about whatever problem you’re trying to solve. It’s helpful to get other opinions. 

Different people, often have different approaches to the same problem, and understanding their thought processes, can help you refine and expand your own. 

Today, discuss a problem that you’re working on with a friend, family member, or co-worker.

Pay attention to how they approach and analyze the problem. 

What did you learn from how they approached solving the problem?

That’s it for today.

Day 16

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Critical Thinking: Expose Yourself to New Content & Creators

Every new author, speaker, artist, or thinker you encounter can teach you something new about the way they think and the way you think. 

They can introduce you to new facts and ideas, that you can integrate into your own critical thinking.

Today, introduce yourself to a new author, poet, artist, musician, performer, or thinker.

Who did you discover today?

That’s it for today.

Day 17

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Critical Thinking: Experiment with an Ethical Dilemma

You can use hypothetical ethical dilemmas to strengthen your critical thinking skills. 

Today, consider the following ethical dilemma. 

You need to get information from a coworker’s computer, when that person is out of the office. 

You know you’re not supposed to access others computers, but this coworker is a friend, and she has shared her password with you in the past. 

You login to her computer without her permission, and discover that she has been saving multiple customer’s credit card data on her computer.

Saving customer credit card data is a violation of company policy. 

Company policy specifies that employees are responsible for reporting violations of the policy to management.

Company policy also specifies that employees should not share their passwords or login to accounts or equipment used by other employees.

If you turn in your coworker, you could also get in trouble since you gained the information through violating company policy.

Should you risk your job by telling management what you saw?

What did you decide? How did you arrive at your decision?

That’s it for today.

Day 18

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Critical Thinking: Surround Yourself with Critical Thinkers

Surrounding yourself with critical thinkers, exposes you to information, offers you alternative perspectives, and introduces you to new ideas.

Try to connect with critical thinkers in a peer group, an industry group, a class, or online.

Today, connect with a critical thinker.

What critical thinker did you connect with? Why did you select that person?

That’s it for today.

Day 19

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Introduction to Believe in Yourself


“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t—you’re right.”

—Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company.

You need to believe in yourself. Not in some delusional, unrealistic way but in a rational, optimistic and courageous way that inspires you to action.

From there, add determination and commitment and you will be on your way to realizing your dreams.

The life you lead depends more on you than on anything else.

How you think determines how you act—belief in yourself is therefore critical. It will guide every action you take. It will influence everything you say and do.

For those who believe in themselves, anything is possible and for those who don’t, nothing is possible.

Use positive affirmation to build your self-confidence.

Wake up every morning saying,
“I can do this.”

Believe it.
Internalize it.
Trust in it.

That’s it for today.

Day 20

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Believe in Yourself: Positive Affirmations

Over the next 5 days, you’ll be sent a series of positive affirmations. 

Each day, the number of positive affirmations will increase. 

Stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eye, and repeat these positive affirmations 3 times.

This is important, do it with intention – believe what you’re saying.

Repeat these positive affirmations 3 times in the morning, 3 times again in the afternoon, and 3 times at night. 

Today, say the following,

“I believe in myself.” 

That’s it for today.

Day 21

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Believe in Yourself: Positive Affirmations Part II

Repeat these positive affirmations 3 times in the morning, 3 times again in the afternoon, and 3 times at night. 

Today, say the following,

“I believe in myself.”

“I am going to succeed.” 

That’s it for today.

Day 22

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Believe in Yourself: Positive Affirmations Part III

Repeat these positive affirmations 3 times in the morning, 3 times again in the afternoon, and 3 times at night.

Today, say the following,

“I believe in myself.”

“I am going to succeed.”

“I am capable of anything.”

That’s it for today.

Day 23

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Believe in Yourself: Positive Affirmations Part IV

Repeat these positive affirmations 3 times in the morning, 3 times again in the afternoon, and 3 times at night.

Today, say the following,

“I believe in myself.”

“I am going to succeed.”

“I am capable of anything.”

“My potential is Limitless”

That’s it for today.

Day 24

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Believe in Yourself: Positive Affirmations Part V

Repeat these positive affirmations 3 times in the morning, 3 times again in the afternoon, and 3 times at night.

Today, say the following,

“I believe in myself.”

“I am going to succeed.”

“I am capable of anything.”

“My potential is Limitless”

“I’m on my way.”

That’s it for today.

Day 25

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Introduction to Open Your Mind

Open Your Mind

“A mind is like a parachute.
It doesn’t work if it isn’t open.”

—Frank Zappa, American musician.

We all have blind spots and biases that cloud our perspectives.

Alternative perspectives allow us to see the complete picture, inform our opinions and increase the probability that we will discover the truth.

Humility and open-mindedness offer unique insights that ego and opinion preclude.

When searching for answers, don’t be concerned with where the answers come from—be concerned that the answers are right.

Surround yourself with the smartest people you can find, people who have alternative viewpoints and perspectives, people who can point out what you might be missing.

Solicit, explore and evaluate other people’s opinions and judge those opinions based on their merits.

Devour information and alternative opinions, not in a quest for validation but in a passionate search for the truth.

And know this: the only certainty in life is that there will always be a great deal you do not know.

If you remember nothing else – visualize and remember this:

Imagine yourself jumping out of a plane. The speed at which you’re accelerating is the speed of the technological revolution. Your mind is your parachute, but it won’t work if it isn’t open.

That’s it for today.

Day 26

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Open Your Mind: Listen to Someone You Disagree With

Having an open mind, will be absolutely essential to success in the 21st century. 

Find someone who disagrees with you on an issue, and discuss that issue with them.

The object of this lesson, is not to make your point. It is to listen to their point.

Begin by saying, I’d love to hear your opinion on (pick a topic).

Then listen carefully, without interrupting.

Then repeat their position back to them. 

Say, “This is what I heard you say… Is that correct?”

Then thank them. 

That’s it. You don’t need to tell them your position ( you can if you like), but the goal here, is to listen – with an open mind. 

What did you learn from this experience?

That’s it for today.

Day 27

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Open Your Mind: Watch a Different News Channel

Today, if you normally watch MSNBC or CNN, watch FOX. And if you normally watch FOX, watch MSNBC or CNN. 

As a general practice, you should never watch just one news channel. It creates an echo chamber, and that is the opposite of what you want.

Don’t look for validation in the news, search for truth.

 As a general practice – channel surf. 

Go back and forth, between media with a liberal bias, and media with a conservative bias.

Avoid getting trapped in echo chambers.

This practice, is essential to maintaining an open mind.

What did you learn from that experience?

That’s it for today.

Day 28

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Open Your Mind: Read an Article You Disagree With

Today, find an article on Medium, in The New York Times, The Washington Post, or in The Wall Street Journal, whose title you disagree with, and read it with an open mind.

Search for disconfirming evidence – evidence which contradicts your position.

The more you do this, the greater the impact. 

What article did you read? What did you learn?

That’s it for today. 

Day 29

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Introduction to Seek the Truth


“The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”

—Alvin Toffler, American writer and futurist.

To discover the truth, we must first recognize the need to discover it and that requires an understanding that our minds are filled with false ideas and conceptions.

Unfortunately, the very idea that we cannot trust our own thinking is a very difficult thing to accept—maybe one of the most difficult.

We resist unlearning and relearning just as we resist many kinds of change.

The truth often conflicts with what we believe. It may conflict with our career, our associations and/or our relationships.

It may threaten our status or our public image.

We may be attacked and ridiculed for speaking the truth as others may not want to hear it.

Instead, they may prefer to hear comforting and inspiring confirmation of that which they already believe.

Sometimes the truth
is hard to recognize.

It may go against everything we’ve been told and taught by society and governments.

It may go against what we see, hear and read in the media.

It may go against what we believe and what our friends, family and coworkers believe.

In an age of fake news and social media, truth has become more elusive than ever.

Lies are often mixed with truth
to avoid detection, necessitating
increased attention, critical thinking and discernment.

It is not always a lack of information or the quality of information that prevents us from seeing the truth. More often, it is the “barriers to entry” that our brain imposes on new ideas that threaten our existing beliefs—barriers that prevent us from seeing the truth.

Rather than accept certain information at face value, we often bend, twist and disassemble information to fit our preconceptions, making it all the more difficult to recognize that our preconceptions are false.

We want certain things to be true
more than we want truth itself.

We want the candidates that we voted for to be the best candidates. We want the choices that we make to be the right choices. We want our worldview to be the right view.

We want validation.

Consequently, we unconsciously assess information that conforms to our preconceptions more favorably.

We will accept a questionable source of information that confirms our existing beliefs while challenging a far more credible source that contradicts those beliefs.

To find the truth, our primary goal
must be the truth,
no matter what it is.

The more we engage in a joint search for the truth and work together to discern and act upon the truth, the greater our chances for mutual success and survival.

That’s it for today.

Day 30

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Seek the Truth: Why is Truth Important?

1. “The first duty of man is the seeking after, and the investigation of truth.”

Winston Churchill

2. “In seeking truth, you have to get both sides of a story.”

Walter Cronkite

3. “There is nothing so powerful as truth – and often nothing so strange.”

Daniel Webster

4. “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

5. “Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now – always.”

Albert Schweitzer

What quote did you like the most? Find a quote on truth that you like even more and record it here.

That’s it for today.